• Ambient noise (e.g., rustling, line noise, interference)
  • Noisy environments (e.g., streets, bars, restaurants, or other types of background noise)
  • Speakers who are recorded from a distance (e.g., ambiguous, distant voices)
  • Speakers with a strong non-American accent (e.g., British, Australian, Indian, Hispanic, and other non-American speakers)
  • Interruptions in the recording (e.g., poor phone line, gaps in the audio)
  • Disturbing sounds (e.g., audible typing on keyboard, rustling, sound of wind, sounds of breathing)
  • Incidences of deterioration (e.g., deterioration of volume, high voices, sound cuts)
  • Speakers who cannot be understood (e.g., mumbling, changes in volume, frequent overlapping of voices)
  • Echoes (e.g., reverberation, the same sound can be heard twice)
  • Quality (e.g., low sample/bit rate, poor conference line, recorded off speakers)
  • Diction (e.g., poor pronunciation, speaking fast, unnatural pronunciation)
  • Deep voices (e.g., hidden or blocked microphone, old recordings.