47 adet öbek fiil ve yerlerine kullanılabilecek tek kelimelik fiiller
Akademik metinlerde çeşitli şekillerde sık sık kullanılan öbek fiiller aşağıda verilmiştir. Bu fiillerin (ve diğerlerinin) akademik metinlerde kullanılması kabul edilebilir niteliktedir. Bu örneklerin yanı sıra, her öbek fiilin yerine başka bir fiilin kolaylıkla kullanılabileceğini gösteren çok sayıda tek kelimelik fiil bulunmaktadır.
Öbek fiillerin yerine kullanılabilecek tek kelimelik fiillere bakıldığında, öbek fiillerin (diğer fiiller gibi) genellikle birden fazla tanımı ve uygun olan birden fazla kullanım yeri bulunmaktadır.
Bunun anlamı şudur ki öbek fiillerin yerine kullanılabilecek bu fiiller verilen örnek cümlelerde işe yarasa da ve örnek cümleler öbek fiillerin yaygın kullanımlarını gösterse de önerilen tek kelimelik fiiller yerine geçtikleri öbek fiillerin mümkün olan tüm kullanımlarını kapsamayacaktır.
Ayrılabilen öbek fiiller
Not: Eğer bir pronoun (zamir) ile birlikte kullanılıyorsa, ayrılabilen öbek fiil ayrı olarak kullanılmak zorundadır (ör: “He added up the number” yerine “He added it up”).
Öbek Fiiller (Phrasal verbs) | Örnek kullanımlar | Tanımlar ve PV Yerine Kullanılan Fiiller |
Add up | James added up the number of affirmative responses. | calculate |
Buy out | The large company bought out the smaller. | purchase (someone’s assets) |
Buy up | The business’s assets were bought up in the auction. | purchase (all of something) |
Call off | The order was to call off the strike immediately. | cancel |
Carry on | The meeting will carry on in your absence. | continue |
Carry out | Sam carried out the research because Jimmy couldn’t find the time. | execute |
Cut out | Because the subsection was not directly relevant to the rest of the paper, Randal had to cut it out. | excise |
Find out | The purpose of the literature review is find out what has been said on the topic. | discover |
Get (it) over with (must be split) | Isa and the other participants were happy to get the laborious questionnaire over with. | complete |
Get across | Lars’s paper has too many grammatical mistakes, meaning he couldn’t get his message across. | communicate |
Give up | The outnumbered forces would not give up. | surrender |
Hold up | When deadlines approach, a student cannot let anything hold up the completion of an assignment. | delay |
Leave out | The witness left out a number of important details. | omit |
Make up | We asked participants to make up a scenario in which they would be content. | fabricate |
Make out | In the darkness he could not make out the size of the camp. | see |
Pass up | We could not pass up this opportunity to collaborate. | forgo |
Pass on | The common flu can be passed on through saliva. | transmit |
Pass out | Our research assistants passed out four-hundred surveys to a random sample of shoppers. | distribute |
Pick up | This study picks Dekker’s research up where he left it. | resume |
Point out | Hendriks (2010) points out that such a study might be useful. | explain |
Set up | The equipment’s sensitivity meant we had to set it up with utmost care. | arrange |
Turn down | Regretfully, the board must turn down a number of applicants every year. | reject |
Use up | The campers were thirsty after they used up the last of the water. | exhaust |
Ayrılamayan öbek fiiller
Öbek Fiiller (Phrasal verbs) | Örnek kullanımlar | Tanımlar ve PV Yerine Kullanılan Fiiller |
Back out of | Several subjects backed out of their treatment. | abandon |
Bear on | Foucault’s writings still bear on contemporary thought about prison. | influence |
Catch up with | It will take some time for our newer coal mines to catch up with our older ones. | equal |
Call on | I call on the work of other contemporary thinkers. | utilize |
Call for | The act of aggression called for immediate response. | necessitate |
Count on | The question is, should a citizen be able to count on its government to preserve free access to clean water? | rely on |
Cut down on | Practiced writers cut down on unnecessary adverbs and adjectives. | reduce |
Come up with | Hannah had to come up with a way to isolate the variable. | invent |
Fall apart | The board of directors fell apart. | disintegrate |
Get away | Several of them sought to get away from the cold winter night. | escape |
Get along with | They commonly exaggerated the degree to which the indigenous tribes would not get along with one another. | be friendly with |
Give in | After a long pause for thought, he gave in to the demands. | yield |
Go on | Bakker went on to win a prestigious award. | continue |
Hold on to | Sven tried everything, but could not hold on to his youth. | keep |
Hold out | Bram would hold out until morning when the supplies arrived. | wait |
Hold out on | Napoleon would not tolerate his generals holding out on him. | hide (something) |
Look into | We have a hypothesis, but we must look into other possible explanations for the phenomenon. | research |
Look out for | Among 50 respondents who regularly walk home from work in the middle of the night, 45 indicated looking out for criminals. | safeguard against |
Make sure of | To print the name of interviewee, an author must make sure of the interviewee’s consent. | ensure |
Pick up on | The data show various relationships that we had not picked up on. | notice |
Put up with | The country will put up with a certain number of economic sanctions. | tolerate |
See to | The custodian would see to the security of the building. | arrange |
Take after | This new state takes after its regional neighbours. | resemble |
Touch on | At the beginning of his speech, Finn found it necessary to touch on the circumstances of the event. | mention |